making rainbows

beth buzz
2 min readJul 10, 2022
Photo by Kai Dahms on Unsplash

the world is ending and
i am making rainbows in the front yard.

pouring gold on the ground so
plants we can’t eat will
stay green despite
the sweltering stare of a dying star.

holding the hose just so
the 93 million mile
road trip of some
misguided electromagnetic radiation
will dead-end into the hydrogen and oxygen
arching extravagantly into the air and
for a split second

i am a wizard bending emptiness
into all the colors
the universe could ever imagine
for us, and

that we ignore so
we can keep pretending
the world is black and white.

behind the words…

have you ever thought about how supremely futile it is to water a lawn?

how incredibly stupid it is that we invest time and energy and precious natural resources in the growth of a crop we can’t eat? that in the pursuit of a “green lawn” we expose ourselves and our pets and our neighbors and our waterways to endless amounts of toxic chemicals? that there are people literally dying of thirst in the face of heatwaves all over the world right now, and we’re fretting over whether a square of grass has had enough to drink? that human rights are being stripped from us left and right, and that we should be rioting in the streets, and running politicians out of their palaces on a rail, and reclaiming our cities and towns and villages as the communities they were meant to be, not the festering pits of exploitation and capitalism they have become?

and yet.

here we stand, holding the hose, fixated on the brown spots.

marveling at rainbows while the world burns.

Thanks for reading! Please clap, follow me or enjoy another poem.
🐝 beth



beth buzz

just a worker bee stashing honey among the stone. poems are what happen when life squeezes too hard. +follow me to join the hive.